Using a digital or film camera, capture images of compelling textures or objects from natural and man made environments. Think about the scale of what you are photographing. Is it something small that could be made to look larger by photographing it from very close up? Compose your shots in a way that will help exaggerate their texture or shape. Once you have chosen your final image you will recreate your texture or object typographically in Illustrator.
Part 1
Using a digital camera or film camera photograph at least 15 different textures or objects. Choose your strongest photo. You may open it in Photoshop or an image editor on your phone to make any necessary adjustments or tweaks. Prepare the image for print and emphasize the texture. You will then write a one paragraph description of your image. Remember to proofread, spell check and user proper punctuation.
Part 1 Due: October 3rd.
Part 2
Using your descriptive text as content you will re-create the image in Illustrator, employing repetition, scale, layers, and color. You may choose any one type face to use for the project, but you may not distort it in anyway.
Final Due Date: Tuesday Oct 24th end of class
Final critique: Thursday Oct 26th